Terms of use



Alpilles Provence® Entity in its capacity as owner of this website

Website email address : info@alpillesprovence.com

Website This website (alpillesprovence.com)

Publisher Alpilles Provence and ByLomé are the publishers of this website and the sub-sites and URLs directly linked to it.

Internet user Any individual or legal entity, under private or public law, connecting to the Site.


Purpose of the site

This website explains the services offered by Alpilles Provence, which publishes, aggregates, references and distributes its advertisement,


Acceptance of the Terms of use

Browsing the website implies the acceptance by every Internet user of the present general conditions of Alpilles Provence. The simple connection to the Site will entail the full acceptance of these general conditions by the Internet users.


Responsibility for publications

Alpilles Provence publishes its offer of products and services proposed by Alpilles Provence and by partners. It gives information that may contain, despite our vigilance, inaccuracies, omissions, approximations or outdated information, for which it declines any responsibility and does not guarantee the veracity or completeness of this information. Alpilles Provence can direct the user to third party sites via links, whose information can in no way engage the responsibility of Alpilles Provence. Descriptions and prices are not contractual and may be modified without notice.


Processing of personal data

The provision of personal information is not essential for navigation on the site. We collect personal data via the contact form on the site, registration to events, to a service request or subscription to newsletters. Alpilles Provence commits itself not to use them in any other context, nor to transmit them to third parties, except with the express agreement of the Internet users or in cases provided for by the law. In accordance with the provisions of the Data-processing French Law and Freedoms of January 6, 1978 the co-ordinates of all the Internet users registered on the present site are safeguarded for a duration of one year, reasonable duration necessary to the good administration of the site and a normal use of the data. Internet users have the right to oppose, question, access and rectify the data they have provided. To do so, they just need to send a request to the e-mail address indicated at the top of this page (you will find more information on the pages dedicated to the French RGPD with the CNIL).



In accordance with the French Law Ordinance n° 2011-1012 of 24 August 2011 relating to electronic communications and the two exceptions to the obligation to obtain prior authorisation provided for in article 32 II of the Data Protection Act, the Internet user is informed that Alpilles Provence may place a cookie on his computer in order to allow optimal navigation. We do not use marketing cookies. The Internet user is informed of the fact that cookies are small files installed on the Internet user's computer via his/her browser, allowing optimal browsing on the Site, to identify and remember his/her connections to different Internet pages and that they have a limited life span. Internet users also have the possibility of deleting the cookies installed on their computer, by going to the menu of their browser provided for this purpose.


IP addresses

The IP address is a series of numbers separated by dots allowing the unique identification of a computer on the Internet network. In accordance with the legislation in force, Alpilles Provence reserves the right to collect the IP address and will have to communicate all personal data related to an Internet user to the authorized authorities on judicial requisition or to any person on judicial decision. The IP address may be matched with the actual identity of the Internet user in case of communication of this information by an Internet service provider.


Site malfunctions

Any limitation or disruption of the site or services due to fire, epidemic, explosion, earthquake, fluctuations in bandwidth, failure attributable to the access provider, failure of transmission networks, collapse of installations, illicit or fraudulent use of passwords, codes or references provided to the customer, computer hacking, a security breach attributable to the site host or developers, flood, power failure, war, embargo, law, injunction, request or requirement of any government, requisition, strike, boycott, or other circumstances beyond the control of Alpilles Provence. In case of impossibility of access to the Site, due to technical problems of any kind, the Internet user will not be able to claim any damage or compensation.


Published content

The content published by Internet users on the pages of the site (comments and opinions) are under the full and complete responsibility of the Internet user, who, by virtue of article 6-I-4 of the Law of Confidence in the Digital Economy, may incur liability in the event of abusive notification of allegedly illicit content published by the Internet user, which is punishable by one year's imprisonment and a fine of 15,000 euros by virtue of article 6-I-4 of the French Law of Confidence in the Digital Economy.


Intellectual property

All rights of reproduction are reserved, copyright, of all or part of this site on a paper or electronic medium is formally forbidden unless expressly authorized in writing. Any representation or reproduction in whole or in part made without the consent of Alpilles Provence, By-Lomé or their beneficiaries or assigns constitutes a violation of the provisions of the Code of Intellectual Property and will be liable to legal action. It is the same for the translation, adaptation or transformation, arrangement or reproduction by any art or process.


Provisions concerning the terms of use

These terms of use of the site are subject to French law. They may be modified at any time. The general conditions applicable are those in force on the day of the reservation made by the Internet user or the client.

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